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The corporate address of UK Postbox is listed below. This address may be home address or customer service address, usually including street, city (town), state (province), zip code(postal code), etc. It is recommended that you first confirm this address through support email or customer service phone number. If your product (service) needs support, it is recommended to obtain support through customer service phone and support email. view all customer service contact information.

UK Postbox Overview

The UK's Premier Online Post Office - mail scanning and forwarding with uk virtual addresses Easily manage your postal mail online with UK PostBox. Your mail is received by us and managed online by you. We've brought postal mail into the 21st century powered by iPostalMail. We receive your postal mail and notify you, including showing you a scan or photograph of your mail. You then tell us what you'd like us to do with it. It's simple and very slick! We've got PO box and street address price plans to suit all budgets including pay as you go. Why not sign up today or find out more about our online UK PO boxes. Receive Post Online You can now send a letter to the UK from anywhere in the world, direct from your PC, Mac, iPhone or e-mail client. We can print practically anything, Word Documents, Powerpoint Presentations, PDF, Spreadsheets. We even offer the range of Royal Mail services to make sure your important letter arrives when you want it to - Special, Recorded and Registered Delivery so can relax and have peace of mind that your important document will arrive safely. UK Address and Send The internet has revolutionised the way we search and shop for goods in the 21st Century but if you are outside the UK you can find yourself very restricted. UK Address and Send is a unique service for people who want to use shop from their favourite stores online from outside the UK. You surf and shop in the normal way and then when you are asked for your UK address and Postcode, you use your own UK Postbox address. We receive your goods, sign or packages if required, store and forward to you overseas. You control where and when the packages are shipped, directly through you secure online UK Postbox account. Sending and Receiving Mail Online, it really is simple with UK Postbox
Industry Internet Publishing
Headquarters Poole, Dorset
Company size 11-50 employees
Website http://www.ukpostbox.com
