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The corporate address of The Epoxy Resin Store is listed below. This address may be home address or customer service address, usually including street, city (town), state (province), zip code(postal code), etc. It is recommended that you first confirm this address through support email or customer service phone number. If your product (service) needs support, it is recommended to obtain support through customer service phone and support email. view all customer service contact information.

The Epoxy Resin Store Overview

The Epoxy Resin Store was established with our customers in mind. We specialize in developing and distributing the finest epoxy resins available. When buying from us you are buying more than a product, you are also receiving amazing customer service and trusted quality products. We are a family-owned and operated business. All of our raw materials, and formulated products are developed and manufactured here in the United States. We only use leading American suppliers such as Huntsman, Dow Chemicals, and Air Products. We manufacture our products under stringent ISO certified guidelines. Because we are a family-owned business, we appreciate every customer and give each order equal attention. Our business mantra is "It takes months to get a new customer but only minutes to lose one"​ We believe the customer comes first and we are not interested in just a sale. We are looking for life long customers. If for any reason you feel that you have not received excellent customer service, or you are dissatisfied with your order, please give us a call and we will make it right #epoxyresinstore #epoxycasting #epoxyresin For more information on https://www.theepoxyresinstore.com https://www.facebook.com/theepoxyresinstore https://www.instagram.com/theepoxyresinstore https://www.pinterest.com/theepoxyresinstore https://g.page/TheEpoxyResinStore/review For support go to https://help.theepoxyresinstore.com -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Adult Supervision Required Keep Out Of Reach Of Children
Industry Retail
Headquarters Lake Elsinore, California
Company size 2-10 employees
Website https://www.theepoxyresinstore.com
