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Skin Vitality Overview

https://shop.skinvitality.ca Text: 226-210-9139 PH: 833-225-1677 Skin Vitality Medical Clinic is the #1 Provider of Botox®, Juvederm®, CoolSculpting®, PRP Hair Restoration, Sculptra®, EMSculpt® and Fraxel® in Canada. We perform more of these treatments than any other doctors or nurses in the country, consistently achieving natural beautiful results. Serving Canadians since 1992, Skin Vitality has grown from one location and two staff members to nine locations and over 200 professionals including 10 Doctors, 40 Nurse Practitioners (NP) and dozens of Registered Nurses (RN) & Registered Practical Nurses (RPN). With more experience & specialized training than any other medical clinic in the country, we provide the best possible outcomes for all our patients. Skin Vitality Medical performs more Botox Cosmetic & Juvederm Injections than 99.9% of all doctors & nurses in Canada. We focus on natural looking results that help you own your look with confidence, style and grace. The founder, Eleanor Welsh, has never wavered from the goal she had when she started her first clinic. Perfection is the enemy, there is no such thing as perfect. The goal is to let go of perfectionism, stop comparing yourself to others and be exactly what you want to be physically, mentally and spiritually.
Industry Hospitals and Health Care
Headquarters Toronto, Ontario
Company size 201-500 employees
Website http://www.skinvitality.ca/?src=lkdin
