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Real Property Management Midwest - RPMMidwest.com of Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton and Northern Kentucky Real Property Management Midwest operates in the Central and Southwest Ohio/ Northern Kentucky and manages commercial and residential properties. We services single family homes, condos, apartment buildings, store fronts, and Homeowner associations. With years of experience, Real Property Management is Cincinnati, Columbus, and Northern Kentucky's premier real estate management company. RPM Midwest is locally owned and operated by real estate industry professionals that provide expert personalized local service, while having the immense resource of a national corporate staff of full time legal professionals, seasoned property managers, licensed Realtors, maintenance and contract build-out specialists, tenant relations, real asset portfolio management experts, staff accountants, and Internet marketing specialists, all at your beck and call at no additional cost to you as a client. No other brokerage or property management firm can access the resources for such a comprehensive level of service without substantially increasing their fees. We have expressly designed our property management services for the utmost ease and advantage to owners of investment property. That is why we are the dominant rental property resource for home owners. They realize that RPM Midwest services are the key to protecting their assets and ROI. We're simply the best.
Industry Real Estate
Headquarters Cincinnati, OH
Company size 11-50 employees
Website http://www.rpmmidwest.com
Specialties Property ManagementReal EstateCommercial PropertiesInvestment PropertyOH Property ManagementOH Property ManagementOH Property Management

 Customer Service Number [RPM Midwest]:

Customer Service number +1 866 500 6200
Customer Service number
(Dayton, Ohio)
+1 937 550 1022
Customer Service number
(Louisville, Kentucky)
+1 502 290 9319
Customer Service number
(Cincinnati, Ohio)
+1 513 762 9000
[Claims] contact number
(Columbus, Ohio)
+1 614 678 5550

 Support Email(s) [RPM Midwest]:

[Customer Service] email
