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Houzz is the leading platform for home remodeling and design, providing people with everything they need to improve or design their homes from start to finish. On Houzz, people can find design inspiration, research and hire home professionals, and shop for products and materials to complete their projects. For home professionals, Houzz Pro provides an all-in-one marketing and business management solution that empowers them to stand out, win more clients and manage their projects efficiently and profitably. The Houzz community is made up of millions of homeowners, home design enthusiasts and home improvement professionals around the world. Our mission is to provide the best experience for home renovation and design, connecting homeowners and home professionals with the best tools, resources and vendors.
Industry Internet Publishing
Headquarters Palo Alto, CA
Company size 1,001-5,000 employees
Website http://www.houzz.com
Specialties Interior DesignArchitectureHome ImprovementHome RemodelingEcommerceTechnology

 Customer Service Number [Houzz]:

Customer Service number +1 800 368 4268
Customer Service number +1 916 445 1254
Customer Service number +1 800 952 5210
Customer Service number +1 800 326 2297
Customer Service number +1 916 322 1700
Customer Service number +1 650 326 3000
[Sales/ Reservations] contact number
(Houzz Pro)
+1 888 510 5923

 Support Email(s) [Houzz]:

[Customer Service] email
[Legal] contact email
[Media] contact email
(Press Inquiries)
[Legal] contact email
(Privacy Inquiries)
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(Copyright Infringement Inquiries)
[Accessibility] contact email
