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We are on a mission to help our users become better healthcare consumers. HealthCare.com is the leading search, comparison and recommendation tool for healthcare consumers. Our visitors can analyze hundreds of health insurance options in their area, and get data-rich recommendations to help make smarter decisions about their health plan purchase. The HealthCare.com of today was launched in 2014. We started with the belief that we can apply our technology, data and health insurance expertise to build easy-to-use tools to help consumers make better purchase decisions about their health plan. Our goal is to deliver tools and related content in a way that engages everyday users, and demystifies the healthcare buying experience. And we help consumers find the coverage best suited to their health needs while improving their healthcare literacy. We started this company because we know how important purchasing health insurance coverage is. Yet the confusion that surrounds the shopping process can lead to wasted time or worse, ill-fitted plans that don’t provide needed medical coverage. We assembled a great entrepreneurial team of Internet, technology, data and health insurance experts with the know-how and drive to serve this mission. To support our mission to consumers, we work with the largest health insurance companies in the U.S. to make their health plan offerings more accessible, and easier to understand. HealthCare.com also gives consumers the opportunity to compare both on-exchange, marketplace plans and off-exchange plans side by side, so consumers can see nearly every choice available to them before they buy. We’re supported by a group of investors who have built some of the most valuable Internet companies in the world, including Priceline and Booking.com. The strength of our financial backing allows us to build great proprietary technology for today’s marketplace, and serve consumers better.
Industry Internet Publishing
Headquarters Miami, FL
Company size 201-500 employees
Website https://www.healthcare.com
Specialties Health InsuranceMedicareOnline Advertising

 Customer Service Number [Healthcare Gov]:

Customer Service number
(Individuals and families, including self-employed, TTY)
+1 855 889 4325
Customer Service number
(Individuals and families, including self-employed)
+1 800 318 2596
Customer Service number
(Employers, employees with SHOP offers, SHOP agents and brokers)
+1 800 706 7893
Customer Service number
(Employers, employees with SHOP offers, SHOP agents and brokers, TTY)
+1 888 201 6445

 Support Email(s) [Healthcare Gov]:

[Customer Service] email
(Plain language)
[Legal] contact email
(Privacy Inquiries)
[Accessibility] contact email
