Quickly find business customer service phone numbers

All Golden Sails Hotel support phone numbers are listed below, including Sales/ Reservations (Toll Free US and Canada Only) support phone number(s), Sales/ Reservations support phone number(s), Legal (Privacy Inquiries) support phone number(s), etc. You can also get Golden Sails Hotel support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of Golden Sails Hotel.
[Sales/ Reservations] support phone number
(Toll Free US and Canada Only)
+1 800 762 5333
[Sales/ Reservations] support phone number +1 562 596 1631
[Legal] support phone number
(Privacy Inquiries)
+1 805 957 0095

Golden Sails Hotel Overview

Long Beach Golden Sails Resort & Golf Hotel offers free cruise parking, big savings in gov per diem, vacation (800)7625333. A few steps from a 9hole golf course, beaches, 2 theatres, shops, 40 restaurants, grocery, 2 famer’s market, much more.
Industry Hospitality
Headquarters Long Beach, CA
Company size 11-50 employees
Website http://www.goldensailshotel.com/
