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Glowtopia Overview

We have been supplying a full range of glow sticks, glow necklaces and light up products to the public, trade and promotional markets throughout the UK since 2000. We have supplied every major city and town in the UK and now offer our products to the EU. Glowsticks offer a huge selection of cheap glow sticks in the UK. Buy the popular 6"​ glow stick large 10"​ baton glow sticks 4"​ pendant glowstick and even small 1.5"​ glow sticks. All glowsticks are Top Quality We have a huge range of Flashing Novelties such as light up necklaces, glowing wands, head boppers, rings, badges & many more. All battery products have the batteries already inserted - no fiddling loading batteries! Glow bracelets are the most popular glow sticks in the UK. Choose from mixed or single colour high quality glow in the dark bracelets. They are incredible value and will glow for a minimum of 12 hours. Glow sticks are great but here we have glow in the dark spectacles, earrings, bunny ears, badges, straws and glow cups - great for a glow party or any event. Party Products including Neon Face & Body paint, Disco Lighting, Glow Wear, UV products, Light up Balloons & more. Create your own night-club environment - perfect for disco's and parties! Includes Disco lighting, UV lights & Black lights, laser lights, Neon UV Products, Glow & Flash T Shirts, Glow UV Bar Ware, Light up Balloons, Glow Party Packs, Chinese Lanterns, & Glow Wear! Create your own night-club environment - perfect for disco's and parties! Choose from a wide range of products including wholesale glow necklaces, glowsticks, flashing novelties and glow cups. Buy in bulk and enjoy great savings. We offer the best pricing for quality glow products in the UK!
Industry Retail
Company size 11-50 employees
Website http://www.glowsticks.co.uk
