Quickly find business customer service phone numbers

All Country Life support phone numbers are listed below, including Subscription Enquiries support phone number(s), Editorial Team: Mark Hedges, Rosie Paterson support phone number(s), Paul Ward (PROPERTY ADVERTISING) support phone number(s), etc. You can also get Country Life support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of Country Life.
[Subscription Enquiries] support phone number +44 330 333 1113
[Editorial Team: Mark Hedges, Rosie Paterson] support phone number +44 125 255 5062
[Paul Ward] support phone number
+44 125 255 5342
[Chris Dicker] support phone number
+44 203 148 6709
[Kate Barnfield] support phone number
+44 781 762 9935
[Jonathan Hearn] support phone number
+44 125 255 5318
[Jonathan Hearn] support phone number
+44 795 019 1207
[Country Life Photographic Library] support phone number
(order reproductions or license images)
+44 125 255 5090
[Deputy Editor: Kate Green] support phone number +44 125 255 5063
[Digital Editor: Toby Keel] support phone number +44 125 255 5086
[Architectural Editor: John Goodall] support phone number +44 125 255 5064
[Fine Arts & Books Editor: Mary Miers] support phone number +44 125 255 5066
[Interiors Editor: Giles Kime/ Gardens Editor: Tiffany Daneff] support phone number +44 125 255 5067
[News & Property Editor: Annunciata Elwes] support phone number +44 125 255 5078
[Managing & Features Editor: Paula Lester] support phone number +44 125 255 5068
[Deputy Features Editor: Victoria Marston] support phone number +44 125 255 5079
[Luxury Editor: Hetty Lintell] support phone number +44 125 255 5071
[Art Editor: Emma Earnshaw] support phone number +44 125 255 5080
[Deputy Art Editor: Heather Clark] support phone number +44 125 255 5074
[Picture Editor: Lucy Ford] support phone number +44 125 255 5075
[Deputy Picture Editor: Emily Anderson] support phone number +44 125 255 5076
[Chief Sub-Editor (Not Subscriptions): Jane Watkins] support phone number +44 125 255 5077
[Sub-Editor (Not Subscriptions): James Fisher] support phone number +44 125 255 5089

Country Life Overview

Website http://www.countrylife.co.uk/ Industry Investment Management Company size 2-10 employees Headquarters White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia Locations (1) 4 W Main St, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia 24986, US
Industry Investment Management
Headquarters White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Company size 2-10 employees
Website http://www.countrylife.co.uk/
