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Ad Practitioners, LLC is a Puerto Rico-based services company that owns & operates ConsumersAdvocate.org, which is an editorial review site trusted by over 20,000,000 people. At ConsumersAdvocate.org we understand that most consumers don’t have the necessary time to properly investigate the thousands of products and services they’re interested in. This is why our business is committed to bringing you, and millions of other people, honest, accurate and thorough reviews of a wide range of products and services. We take what we do seriously and pride ourselves in being able to digest a large amount of information and present it to you in a succinct and accurate manner.
Industry Online Audio and Video Media
Headquarters Dorado, Puerto Rico
Company size 51-200 employees
Website http://www.consumersadvocate.org

 Support Email(s) [ConsumersAdvocate]:

[Customer Service] email
[Jobs/ Career] contact email
[Media] contact email
[Accessibility] contact email
[Complaints/ Feedback] contact email
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