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The following lists all Cafe Virtuoso support emails, if you have problems with the You can choose the corresponding email address to get support according to your question. Cafe Virtuoso also provides support phone numbers, you can also directly check all the customer service contacts of Cafe Virtuoso.
[Media] contact email
[General Info] contact email

Cafe Virtuoso Overview

Founded by Laurie Britton in 2008, Cafe Virtuoso is the only 100 percent certified organic speciality coffee roaster in San Diego. Laurie's vision from day one: To procure the highest quality organic specialty coffee and tea while remaining ethically invested in full-scale sustainability and socially-responsible practices. When Laurie first set out to learn about the speciality coffee industry, she discovered the real importance of each and every detail and why 100 percent organic was the only way to go; not just to achieve a quality product worthy of her purist nature, but also for all the people involved from harvest to cup. Coffee is one of the most widely-traded commodities in the world and the chemicals used in conventional non-organic farming practices in many countries are extremely harmful to the farmers and to the environment.This vision also led to Cafe Virtuoso’s commitment to the success of its partners by providing the highest standards of detailed personalized service and extensive ongoing training and education set by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), the world's largest coffee trade association formed with the purpose of establishing the de-facto benchmarks for the specialty coffee industry.
Industry Food and Beverage Services
Company size 11-50 employees
Website http://cafevirtuoso.com
