Quickly find business customer service phone numbers

All AllianceHealth Midwest support phone numbers are listed below, including customer service phone number(s), Jobs/ Career support phone number(s), Media support phone number(s), Accesibility support phone number(s), etc. You can also get AllianceHealth Midwest support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of AllianceHealth Midwest.
Customer Service number +1 405 610 4411
Customer Service number
(Birth Center)
+1 405 741 5000
Customer Service number
(Imaging Shawnee)
+1 405 275 6747
Customer Service number
+1 405 610 8807
Customer Service number
(Breast Care Center Scheduling)
+1 405 610 8873
Customer Service number
(Outpatient Scheduling)
+1 405 610 8888
Customer Service number
(Patient Information)
+1 405 610 8575
Customer Service number
(Physician Referral)
+1 405 610 8790
Customer Service number
+1 405 610 8140
Customer Service number
(Surgery Waiting Area)
+1 405 610 8578
Customer Service number
(Volunteer Department)
+1 405 610 8580
Customer Service number
(Wound Care)
+1 405 610 8056
[Jobs/ Career] support phone number +1 405 610 8762
[Media] support phone number +1 888 726 3329
[Accesibility] support phone number +1 888 211 2311
[Accounting/ Billing] support phone number
(Billing Office)
+1 405 610 8147
[Emergency/ Hotline] support phone number
(Emergency Department)
+1 405 610 8844
[Media] support phone number
(Marketing Inquiries)
+1 405 610 1406
[General Info] support phone number
(Medical Records)
+1 405 610 8084
