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All 1SaleADay support phone numbers are listed below, including Sales support phone number(s), support phone number(s), support phone number(s), etc. You can also get 1SaleADay support via email, social networks, help center, or directly check all the customer service contacts of 1SaleADay.
[Sales] support phone number +1 855 461 7253

1SaleADay Overview

1SaleADay.com is one of the fastest-growing online retailers. It is the largest independently owned daily deal site in the US. The site features five new items daily at a deeply discounted rate (up to 90%off retail). Deals are posted every night at midnight and available for a period of 24 hours, or until they sell out. The site has built a broad and loyal following with a high rate of repeat customers, and each nights new deals are greeted with great anticipation and fanfare. CEO Ben Federman launched the company in 2007 from a tiny apartment in Brooklyn, NY with one partner. He now oversees about 200 employees in Miami, FL who all contribute to running one of the 400 most-trafficked sites in the United States. Helping to fuel this rapid growth are three sister sites- Ben’s Outlet, Dynamite Time and Shadora- each offering niche goods to their respective customers. 1SaleADay plans to continue expanding its reach to bring online shoppers drastic discounts on electronics, jewelry, watches, family goods and more.
Industry Retail
Headquarters Miami, FL
Company size 51-200 employees
Website http://www.1sale.com
